Diptyque Candles

Well, I am off to Philly this morning to play sorority police. I’m leaving you with this little review of Diptyque candles:20140417-064541.jpg


Some of the biggest bloggers rave about Diptyque candles.  You know, the ones who blog full time and make tons of money from sponsors and advertisements.  Who else can spend  $70 per candle? Living fabulously is literally their job.  Must be nice.

As a little present to myself having worked overtime (extra funds, yay!), I picked up two candles: the “classic” Baies and the new Rosamundi.  Baies is very refreshing, but it isn’t unique.  As soon as I burned it, my sister commented that it smells just like a $10 candle she burns at work. Womp Womp. As far as Rosamundi goes, just smelling it unburned is very strong and an overwhelming smell of roses.  It got the boyfriend stamp of approval, but I don’t know if he’s going to like having that big smell lingering around the apartment.

So is it worth it? Yes, and no. The smell is very strong.  Not many candles in the mid-range price level is even close to giving a powerful scent. No, it’s not worth an entire day’s pay for a candle. Oh, and sometimes you can find it on Hautelook.

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